Simulation island that displays details about the ongoing simulation.
Public Properties
TObjectPtr<UCPP_SimulationButton> SimulationStartButton
A button that starts the simulation. This property is bindable to the widget.
TObjectPtr<UWidgetAnimation> SimulationIslandAnimation
A widget animation used to hide or show the simulation island. This property is bindable to the widget and is marked as transient.
Public Methods
void OnStartSimulation()
C++ implementation of the function that is executed when the user presses the start simulation button.
void OnStopSimulation()
C++ implementation of the function that is executed when the user presses the stop simulation button.
Protected Methods
void NativeConstruct()
Overrides the base class method to implement logic that runs when the widget is constructed.
void NativeDestruct()
Overrides the base class method to implement cleanup logic when the widget is destroyed.
Private Properties
TObjectPtr<UCPP_SimulationManager> M_SimulationManager
An instance of the simulation manager class, used to manage the simulation's state.