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Basic Information for Project Development

This part of the documentation will contain basic information one needs to know in order to carry on with the project.


The purpose of the Unreal Engine application is to do what it does best: displaying 3D models with interactive frame rates.

It consists of two main levels: Explorer Level and Quiz Level. In the Explorer Level, teachers and students can freely explore a fully loaded 3D model of the human body.

In the Quiz Level, teachers and students—primarily students—can complete quizzes that are created by the teachers.

Setting Up

To begin development of this application, you need Unreal Engine version 5.4, which can be found in the Epic Games Launcher.


For Windows, you also need Visual Studio with the following workload items added:

  • Game Development with C++
  • .NET SDK (can be installed by enabling .NET desktop development)

Once you have everything set up, you can launch the project by opening the ThreeDAnatomy.uproject file with Unreal Engine.

To add the necessary files to open the project with Visual Studio, run Tools > Generate Visual Studio Project. Then, open the project in Visual Studio by opening the generated ThreeDAnatomy.sln file.

Mac OS

For Mac OS install Rider, and launch the project by opening the ThreeDAnatomy.uproject with Rider.


For how to set up project up and running on Linux please reffer to this file

C++ code guide lines

For class members that have macro UPROPERTY or UFUNCTION defined above them we have used the PascalCase

For functions that are used inside classes we have also used PascalCase

For private member functions that are only accesible within the classes we have used m_ prefix and smallPacalCase example

class FooBar{

    Foo(std::string name);

    AActor* actor

    void DisplayFoo(bool& success);

    int m_countOfFoos;

Class names

Class names are specified with PascalCase

Forward declaration of headers

In C++ you can use #include prepocessor to include external header files. This however is going to take long time to compile, therefore we have used forward declaration wherever possible inside the header files and only use #include preprocessor inside the cpp files.

Memory safety

We have designed the class strucutre around Ownership priciple. To do that we have use smart pointers that are defined by unreal engine. This assures that only given class can "own" the resource and others can only borrow it without additionaly coppies.